Information about the guild
Man@ger – the Guild of Information and Knowledge Management
Man@ger was established during the spring 2000. Since then, Man@ger has been taking care of its members by organizing activities such as sports events, parties, excursions to companies, movie nights, sauna evenings and much much more.
The Guild Room
The Guild Room (K1723) – the center of the operations at the Hervanta Campus – can be found in Konetalo building, in the guild corridor between lecture rooms K1702 and K1703 or more familiarly in ”the Guild Corridor”.
The guild room is a place where all Man@gers can take a breath and relax amid the frantic and occasionally stressful studies. You can make yourself a cup of coffee or tea and maybe challenge someone to play a game of NHL or FIFA on the guilds PS5. There is also a Nintendo Switch that has many other games available!
From the guild room you can buy overall badges, snacks, beverages and our famous indestructible champagne glasses. Payments are to be made with the MobilePay application.
All students in the Finnish universities are recognized of the convenient and great party clothing – the overalls. Each degree program having a different color makes the student population to stand out and making cheerful boost in the country’s culture.
Members of Man@ger wear the unique grey overalls. The ”overall project” starts normally during the autumn. Keep your eyes and ears open to ensure you’ll get yours!
Join Man@ger
As a member of the guild, you have the full rights to hang out in the guild room, take part in all the events, and on top of that Man@ger has a lot of excursions and events with companies related to our study program. We host several sauna evenings and other relaxation events during the year that you don’t want to miss out on.
EVERYONE is welcome to join the guild. To do so, visit the guild room and express your willingness to join the guild. Often there is a board member present who will help you.
Not always present? Email-list delivers the latest
There is a specific email list, through which all necessary information is provided through email IN ENGLISH. Contact the International Affairs Coordinator: kv-vastaava@tietojohtajakilta.net or board members in the Guild Room to get involved!
Still want more?
If there was something that you didn’t get an answer for, please visit the guild room or contact the International Affaris Coordinator of Man@ger: kv-vastaava@tietojohtajakilta.net.
See you in the guild room!
The Board in 2024 consists of nine boardiees and 23 officials. The Board runs the operation and activities of the Guild. If you want to contact the Board, for example if you have feedback or improvement ideas, send e-mail to the International Affairs Coordinator:
kv-vastaava@tietojohtajakilta.net, or contact the Board: hallitus@tietojohtajakilta.net.
The Board
Chairman: Anni Vierimaa
Secretary: Rasmus Salmi
Master of Coin: Aaro Ikonen
Event Coordinator: Siiri Pirkkama
Sauna Coordinator: Henri Katajisto
Corporate Relations: Daniil Troshin
Fuksi Captain: Ville Rintala
Communications Manager: Kiia Keski-Sikkilä
Study Coordinator: Laura Nyrhilä
Every year, among the new Finnish students starting their studies, there is also a bunch of Industrial Engineering and Management students, who also starts their journey at TUT. Along with the studies, there is also a vast of social activities happening at the university. Our guild is one of the most well-known, social, and internationally-minded student organizations. Thus, Man@ger, the guild of knowledge and information management, warmly welcomes both Finnish and international students to become members of the guild. During the past years, we have had more and more international degree students spending their free time in our guild room, taking part in our fun events, and getting to know to our Finnish members.
Here are some highlights from the past years, Industrial Engineering and Management students being active in Man@ger events.
“I remember back then the reason was uncertain, but now many things have shown me that the decision was well done and made me feel proud and identified with my grey overalls. Being a part of Man@ger has given me such a good moments with people probably I would never even think to have any contact. It doesn’t matter where you come from, or what language do you speak, as long as you will be able to give someone the chance to meet a little bit more from you and your culture there will always be a Man@ger member available to hear you and share with you some of their own. I will keep all those memories and always believe that once you are a Man@ger you will always be a Man@ger.”
David Echeverry, Colombia, 2012
The Pub Crawl, where you go out to all the best pubs in Tampere and perform various tasks and compete against other teams.
The Independence Day: Man@ger gathers its members on 6th of December to celebrate the Finnish Independence Day in this sophisticated, formal and elegant event.
The Overall Sauna: The moment when you are given one of the most important part of student culture, the overalls.
The Academic Kyykkä World Championships: The great academic sport among Finnish students, kyykkä, is one of the greatest annual events in TUT. The event gathers around 2000 students from universities around Finland.
“My best expectations of student life in Finland just came true with being a part of Man@ger. Sport, entertainment and open-air events organized by the guild is the experience when you are a part of a real team! And this team becomes a way how you feel a rhythm of your life. Great people, sparkling emotions, fun and strong corporate mood are the reasons why I am proud of wearing ‘grey’!”
Tatyana Chernova, Kazakztan, 2012
Bunny Party: A bunny-themed sitsit party, where people gather together to sing, eat, drink and to meet new people. The event was organised together with the guild of enviromental engineering students, YKI. This event was a organised for the first time.
“I have joined Man@ger back in 2010 and still I do not regret this decision. When I joined it, we did not have that many internationals members there. Thus, it was nice to see how guild is becoming what it is now. Moreover, I met my many friends there and enjoyed plenty of events together. I am pretty sure I will keep in touch with all these friends wherever my destiny will bring me. Finally, I consider being a member of Man@ger one of those once-in-a-lifetime experiences you just can’t miss.”
Antons Ponomarjovs, Latvia, 2010
Man@ger Annual Party: The guild’s birthday event, where people suit up elegantly. Includes speeches, a band and dancing and elements from a sitsit party.
The climax of the academic year! 40+ events in 14 days with wide variety ensures that your academic year ends in the most awesome and memorable way. Here are some snapshots from the biggest events of Wappu.
“I was very happy to join Man@ger at the beginning of my masters studies in TUT. I was approached by the international correspondent who told me about all of the events that the guild offered, the teekkarikaste and the relaxing space in the guild room. It was definitely a great choice and I met many cool people in the guild. I will always remember the independance day gala with all my international friends and the friends from Man@ger. That was a great choice and I will always be proud to carry my gray overalls and represent my guild wherever in the world I am.”
Aznar Moncayo, Colombia, fuksi 2010
Wappupicnic: The biggest and best picnic organised by the Wappu team. Hundreds of students gather here to enjoy weather, food and outdoor socializing with friends.
Pimp-my-Grill: The hottest barbecue -party of TUT. In this event the coolest grill and the most delicious food will be recognized by Jury.
Fuksiparade: The final steps as fuksis (freshmen). The astounding event before teekkari dipping, where all the fuksis, parade through the center of Tampere, carrying härwelis (the big-strange-looking-built-thingies).
Teekkari dipping: All the fuksis (freshmen) in Tampere have been through Teekkarikaste from the beginning of days. It started out as a random idea, but as years have passed and more people are taking part. Nowadays, it is a major event in Tampere and thousands of people gather to watch as fuksis turn into teekkaris.
Picture copyrights
European Students of Industrial Engineering and Management
ESTIEM is the organisation for European Students of Industrial Engineering and Management, who combine technological understanding with management skills. ESTIEM’s goal is to establish and foster relations between students across Europe and to support them in their personal and professional development. The ESTIEM network consists of 75 Local Groups in 29 countries, reaching out to 50 000 IEM students.
What does ESTIEM mean to a single student?
At the local level, the greatest benefit of ESTIEM is its arsenal of events, or projects. The local groups organize yearly dozens of events, in which the content varies from 100% fun activities to almost completely academic and self-improving work. For example, LG Tampere (Indecs and Man@ger) has had a tradition of organizing a Local Group Exchange once in a year. ESTIEM means that Indecs and Man@ger is a part of a Europe-wide network of IEM students which provides a good chance to meet interesting people from all over Europe.
Why should I participate?
- Meet cultures from Turkey and Russia to Portugal – always without the cultural and social barriers
- Make international friends and connections
- The academic content of the events is appreciated and looks good in your CV
- Travel cheap: the participation fee to the events ranges from 20-70 € (incl. accommodation, trips within the event, all the food, programme). So, including the travel costs to the event, the complete costs usually amount to only around 200-300 € per event!
- The contents of the events range from 100% fun and culture to almost completely academic content. Just check the projects and see what fits you!
- “The ESTIEM spirit” – there’s just something to it when you feel like a big family, even if you’re the only participant representing your country! This is something you need to go out and try for yourself.
How do I participate?
The events have a limited amount of participants. Applications take place in the ESTIEM portal. Once you log in, you click the EVENTS-link to see all the upcoming events, application periods, participation fees and event descriptions. Every event has its own Apply for Event -button, which takes you to the application form. The most important thing while filling the form is to show how enthusiastic and interested you are. Former experience with ESTIEM or an extensive study record is rarely needed!
For more information you can always contact the international team or go to the ESTIEM portal.:
- ESTIEM officer Kamei Hoe (Man@ger) kv-vastaava@tietojohtajakilta.net
- Responsible for International Affairs Niko Husso (Indecs) kv-vastaava@indecs.fi
- www.estiem.org
The projects of ESTIEM
ACADEMIC DAYS – Fun 3/5, Academic 5/5, Culture 2/5
Academic Days events are designed for students willing to complete their curriculum by getting deeper knowledge about an IEM related topic and applying this knowledge to real situations with a personal and professional development purpose in mind. Unlike other ESTIEM academic events, each Academic Days event focuses on one specific topic in which the organizing Local Group’s university has a high expertise. Moreover, this topic is deeply covered, and combines theoretical knowledge with practical applications, both completed by continuous reflection. Learning outcomes characterising an event are aimed to be achieved by each participant. This is permitted by the coordination of the content and the guiding through the learning process by a mentoring professor.
ACTIVITY WEEK – Fun 5/5, Academic 0/5, Culture 4/5
An Activity Week is an event meant solely for having fun with the hosts and enjoying their culture. The event could include for example water skiing, mountain climbing, local sports and student culture. It’s a great way to relax: just follow the programme, let the organizers take care of everything and have fun with other IEM students from all over Europe!
BRAINTRAINER – Fun 2/5, Academic 3/5, Culture 3/5, Personal Development 4/5
BrainTrainer is a project designed to develop leadership, presentation, business and human skills of the participants through professional trainings lasting one or two days. Its aim is to coach and develop the participants to become more professional and successful in their organisation as well as in their own future career.
The trainings are either led by professional trainers or members of the ESTIEM, who might be trainers and/or highly experienced alumni from the business field. Apart from the theoretical knowledge, another focus lies on the learning by doing principle which is facilitated in implementation hours, where the participants can represent the appropriacy of their engaged knowledge by adapting it to a real life business situation.
EUROPE3D – Fun 3/5, Academic 2/5, Culture 5/5
Within a 5-day seminar series the participants get a deep insight about the hosting country. A special focus thereby lays on national characteristics in politics and economy. An environment with a blend of different cultures helps the participants get a better understanding of basic local parameters existing in the European states. Lectures given by experts from politics, science and economy, combined with trainings about intercultural awareness provide participants a theoretical insight as well. With a high level of interactive participation, Europe3D is a unique opportunity to start changing your world.
LOCAL GROUP EXCHANGE – Fun 5/5, Academic 1/5, Culture 5/5
Local Group Exchanges are experience-rich trips to another country which are often also the students’ first contact to ESTIEM. During an LGE a group of students travel to another country for a few days where the local LG introduces them to the local culture and ESTIEM. Oftentimes a visit to a local company is also arranged but the emphasis is definitely on having fun and getting to know new people. Afterwards, normally during the same year, the roles will be reversed as the hosts of the first event will come to visit the city of the initial visitors. LGE is a encouraging first step to anyone who’s not willing to jump straight to the deep end by travelling to a new country alone.
SUMMER ACADEMY – Fun 2/5, Academic 3/5, Culture 2/5, Personal Development 5/5
The ESTIEM Summer Academy was set up to bring international students together during summer holidays to engage in open discussion, group work, debate and private study under a senior Academic Leader. By talking, studying and mixing with students from all over the world all participants gain new ideas and perspectives, not just on their profession but also on other cultures. The event is highly appreciated among professionals and takes place somewhere outside the distractions of modern society, giving the participants and the Academic Leader a chance to really engage and reach deep levels of understanding about the topics at hand.
Through the Summer Academy project, ESTIEM recognises the importance of and takes responsibility for providing knowledge of ethics and sound leadership among future leaders of Europe.
TIMES (Tournament In Management and Engineering Skills)
The Tournament In Management and Engineering Skills (TIMES) is the largest pan-European case study competition for Industrial Engineering and Management students. This prestigious, highly acclaimed event has successfully been organised since 1994 and attracts around 250 top teams of 3-4 persons each year. Two qualification rounds are required to be selected for the TIMES Final, which takes place in an annually changing venue in Europe. Before reaching this final stage, all the participants take part in a Local Qualification at their home university. The winning team is then allowed to participate in one of the seven Semi Finals, which are organised throughout Europe. The final week eventually brings together the winning teams from each Semi Final to determine Europe’s “IEM Students of the Year”. Tampere also organizes local qualifications in November! Follow announcements during autumn!
VISION – Fun 3/5, Academic 4/5, Culture 3/5
The Vision Project is a Europe-wide series of seminars which study a new topic each year. It explores innovative approaches and useful tools to understand the current trends and emerging issues and encourages communication between students and business world. Individual seminars can be attended separately. They are organized by different Local Groups throughout Europe, each of them having a unique approach to the general theme.